Feline Press

Books and Photos by Dr. James L. Castner
(352) 495-9949 jameslcastner@gmail.com
P.O. Box 357219 • Gainesville, FL 32635

Silk Moths

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cecropia silk moth UScecreopia silk moth undersidecynthia silk moth
The cecropia moth (Hyalophora cecropia), one of the wild silk moths (Saturniidae: Lepidoptera) found in the United States.Underside of a female cecropia moth (Hyalophora cecropia) Saturniidae: Lepidoptera, showing the large body distended with eggs.The cynthia moth, also known as the ailanthus silk moth (Samia cynthia) Saturniidae: Lepidoptera.  This moth was originally introduced into the United States from Asia as a potential source of silk.
imperial mothluna moth polyphemus moth 
The Imperial moth (Eacles imperialis) Citheroniidae: Lepidoptera, pupates in the ground rather than spinning a cocoon.With its long tails and pale green color, the luna (Actias luna) is one of the most recognized of the wild U.S. silk moths (Saturniidae: Lepidoptera).The polyphemus moth (Antheraea polyphemus) Saturniidae: Lepidoptera, with its characteristic eyespots on the hindwings.
female polyphemus moth male polyphemus moth royal walnut moth
A female promethea moth (Callosamia promethea) with characteristic brown wings, unlike the darker wings of the male (Saturniidae: Lepidoptera).A male promethea moth (Callosamia promethea) Saturniidae: Lepidoptera, showing the black wings so different from the femaleThe royal walnut moth (Citheronia regalis) is the adult of the large caterpillar called the hickory horned devil (Citheroniidae: Lepidoptera).
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